Berkeley Spring 2000 Pictures

Smile Snarfy

alex and seo

peace outside benny boy

Ed, you know you like khem and i groping your fake breasts

Khem's fake breast hanging on 811

Iris blowing out her candles at her bday party

buh bah being all embarassed

cafe durant, last floor time we eat together

floor picture at cafe durant

I almost got you there celia

Elena's Birthday party

another pic from elena's bday party

floor pic at the end of the year... oh yes ed, this is not a fake pic, we did take it

khem's bday

khem with a knife, disturbing

luke and johnny whoopster

you look like an idiot osamu

osamu trying to hide while we take a picture

Katy and Celia at Osamu's Birthday Party

osamu holding his birthday cake

osamu, you shouldn't be sucking on those boobies

i don't know what's up with this picture... you try and figure it out